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  • Apache Airflow is an open-source platform used to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows.

  • It is particularly useful for orchestrating complex data pipelines and is widely used in data engineering and data science.

  • Airflow allows users to define workflows as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) of tasks, which can be scheduled to run at specified intervals.

  • The platform is highly extensible, with a wide range of pre-built operators and the ability to create custom plugins.

  • Airflow's architecture includes components like the Scheduler, Executor, Webserver, and Metadata Database, which work together to manage and execute workflows.

Key Features [1]

  • Tasks and DAGs: Airflow's core components are tasks and Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), which define the workflow structure.

  • Scheduler: Responsible for scheduling tasks and managing their execution based on defined intervals.

  • Executor: Allocates tasks to be run by configured resources, ensuring efficient execution.

  • Webserver: Provides a user interface for monitoring and managing workflows, offering visibility into pipeline execution.

  • Extensibility: Airflow supports a wide range of operators and allows for custom plugin development to extend its functionality.


Installation Methods [1]

  • Pip Installation: Requires Python3 and involves setting up the Airflow home directory and configuration files manually.

  • Docker Compose: Simplifies installation by using a pre-configured Docker Compose file to set up Airflow components.

  • Astro CLI: A tool provided by Astronomer that automates the setup of a local Airflow development environment.

  • Prerequisites: Both Docker and Python3 are required for most installation methods.

  • Configuration: After installation, users need to configure Airflow settings, such as the metadata database and executor type.

Writing Your First DAG [1]

  • DAG Definition: Use the DAG function from the airflow module to define a DAG with parameters like start_date and schedule.

  • Task Creation: Define tasks using operators such as PythonOperator, which execute Python functions.

  • Dependencies: Set task dependencies using bit shift operators or by passing data between tasks using XComs.

  • TaskFlow API: A newer method to define tasks using decorators, simplifying the process of creating DAGs.

  • Execution: Once defined, DAGs can be executed and monitored through the Airflow UI.




Airflow Best Practices [1]

  • Modularity: Break down workflows into smaller, manageable tasks to simplify troubleshooting and improve performance.

  • Determinism: Ensure that DAGs produce consistent results by avoiding non-deterministic operations.

  • Idempotency: Design tasks to be idempotent, meaning they can be run multiple times without adverse effects.

  • Orchestration vs. Transformation: Use Airflow for orchestration and delegate heavy data transformations to specialized tools.

  • Monitoring: Regularly monitor DAGs and tasks through the Airflow UI to identify and resolve issues promptly.


Use Cases [2]

  • ETL Pipelines: Airflow is commonly used to orchestrate Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes in data engineering.

  • Machine Learning: Automate machine learning workflows, including data preprocessing, model training, and deployment.

  • Data Integration: Integrate data from various sources and manage dependencies between different data processing tasks.

  • Analytics Dashboards: Schedule and automate data extraction and transformation for analytics dashboards.

  • Cloud Operations: Manage cloud-based workflows, such as data transfers between cloud storage and data warehouses.


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