Generated with sparks and insights from 4 sources
Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 10 64-bit.
Processor: Intel Core i5-750.
Memory: 4 GB RAM.
Graphics: Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 1GB.
DirectX: Version 11.
Storage: 1 GB available space.
Granny 3D Features [1]
Toolkit: Granny is a powerful toolkit for building interactive 3D Applications.
Flexibility: Known for its efficient and flexible Animation System.
Exporters: Features a powerful set of exporters and data manipulation tools.
Platforms: Supports both PC and Macintosh with full use of hardware 3D acceleration.
Applications: Used in over 5,200 titles, making it a trusted tool in the industry.
Animation Studio [1]
Graphical Tool: Allows artists to specify Character Behavior graphically.
Blend Graphs: Build blend-graphs and specify character behavior.
No Coding: Artists can control animations without writing code.
State Machine: Hierarchical state machine for managing animation states.
Custom Nodes: Integrate custom nodes for specific game environments.
Granny as a Run-time Animator [1]
Character Animation: Provides a powerful character animation system.
Flexibility: Offers flexibility and performance for b-spline based playback.
Customization: Allows customization of each step of the animation process.
Integration: Designed to integrate easily with physics engines.
Multithreading: Supports multithreaded sampling for modern platforms.
Granny Exporter [1]
Content Exporters: Complete exporters for major 3D development tools.
Scene Integration: Exports animations, meshes, textures, and more.
Automation: Supports automation via native scripting interfaces.
File Format: Exports to a standard, defined file format.
Customization: Allows for custom data integration and manipulation.
Granny Viewer Capabilities [2]
3D Previewing: Supports full 3D previewing of models and animations.
Hardware Acceleration: Utilizes hardware 3D acceleration on PC and Mac.
Animation Testing: Allows auditioning of animations from multiple files.
Visual Tools: Includes visual calibration tools for model alignment.
Texture Inspection: Provides tools for inspecting and swapping textures.
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