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  • Node.js 16 is available as a default package for Oracle Linux 9, making it straightforward to install and manage.

  • Oracle Linux 9 provides Node.js 16 through its AppStream repository, ensuring users have access to a stable and supported version.

  • To install Node.js 16, users can utilize the 'dnf' package manager, which simplifies the installation process.

  • Node.js 16 is part of the standard packages for Oracle Linux 9, unlike other versions which may be available as modules.

  • The installation process involves enabling the 'ol9_appstream' repository if it is not already enabled by default.

Installation Steps [1]

  • Step 1: Ensure the 'ol9_appstream' repository is enabled using 'sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol9_appstream'.

  • Step 2: Install Node.js 16 by executing 'sudo dnf install nodejs'.

  • Step 3: Verify the installation by checking the Node.js version with 'node --version'.

  • Step 4: If a newer release is available, update Node.js using 'sudo dnf update nodejs'.

  • Step 5: For module-based updates, enable the desired Node.js module version using 'sudo dnf module enable nodejs:20'.

Node.js Features [2]

  • Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, known for its speed and efficiency.

  • It supports a non-blocking I/O model, which makes it ideal for building scalable network applications.

  • Node.js is cross-platform, running on Windows, Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X.

  • It is designed for back-end development but can also be used for full-stack and front-end solutions.

  • Node.js supports an event-driven architecture, which is crucial for developing real-time applications.




Oracle Linux 9 Overview [1]

  • Oracle Linux 9 is an enterprise-grade operating system designed for cloud environments.

  • It is optimized for performance, security, and manageability, making it suitable for various enterprise applications.

  • Oracle Linux 9 supports a wide range of software packages, including Node.js, through its AppStream repository.

  • The operating system is known for its robustness and is widely used in cloud and on-premises environments.

  • Oracle Linux 9 provides a stable platform for deploying applications, with support for modern development tools.



[Node.js and Oracle Database](/spark?generatorapi=generate_by_article_name&generatorapi_param=query=Node.js+Oracle+Database+connection) [1]

  • Node.js can connect to Oracle Database using the node-oracledb module, which is open source and maintained by Oracle.

  • The node-oracledb module supports high-performance applications and is well-documented.

  • Oracle Instant Client is required for node-oracledb, and it can be installed via Oracle's yum repository.

  • The module allows Node.js applications to perform database operations efficiently, leveraging Oracle Database's capabilities.

  • Node-oracledb is compatible with Oracle Database 12.1 or later, providing a stable connection interface.


Alternative Installation Methods [2]

  • Node.js can be installed using the NodeSource repository, which provides the latest versions not available in default repos.

  • NVM (Node Version Manager) allows users to install and manage multiple Node.js versions on the same system.

  • To use NodeSource, add the repository using curl and install Node.js with 'dnf install nodejs'.

  • NVM installation involves running a script to set up the environment and allows switching between Node.js versions easily.

  • These methods provide flexibility for developers who need specific Node.js versions or want to test new releases.




<div class="-md-ext-youtube-widget"> { "title": "How To Install Node.js npm ( Creating Sample app ) on Oracle ...", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjrBrBfQNnc", "channel": { "name": ""}, "published_date": "Feb 18, 2023", "length": "1:34" }</div>

<div class="-md-ext-youtube-widget"> { "title": "How to install nodejs on Oracle Linux", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsKkf9VqgyU", "channel": { "name": ""}, "published_date": "May 10, 2024", "length": "3:39" }</div>

<div class="-md-ext-youtube-widget"> { "title": "How to connect Node.js 16 LTS to Oracle Database 12c EE ...", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZt1ak92uhI", "channel": { "name": ""}, "published_date": "May 2, 2023", "length": "2:29" }</div>