インスピレーションと洞察から生成されました 9 ソースから
Node.js 16 is available as a default package for Oracle Linux 9, making it straightforward to install and manage.
Oracle Linux 9 provides Node.js 16 through its AppStream repository, ensuring users have access to a stable and supported version.
To install Node.js 16, users can utilize the 'dnf' package manager, which simplifies the installation process.
Node.js 16 is part of the standard packages for Oracle Linux 9, unlike other versions which may be available as modules.
The installation process involves enabling the 'ol9_appstream' repository if it is not already enabled by default.
Installation Steps [1]
Step 1: Ensure the 'ol9_appstream' repository is enabled using 'sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol9_appstream'.
Step 2: Install Node.js 16 by executing 'sudo dnf install nodejs'.
Step 3: Verify the installation by checking the Node.js version with 'node --version'.
Step 4: If a newer release is available, update Node.js using 'sudo dnf update nodejs'.
Step 5: For module-based updates, enable the desired Node.js module version using 'sudo dnf module enable nodejs:20'.
Node.js Features [2]
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, known for its speed and efficiency.
It supports a non-blocking I/O model, which makes it ideal for building scalable network applications.
Node.js is cross-platform, running on Windows, Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X.
It is designed for back-end development but can also be used for full-stack and front-end solutions.
Node.js supports an event-driven architecture, which is crucial for developing real-time applications.
Oracle Linux 9 Overview [1]
Oracle Linux 9 is an enterprise-grade operating system designed for cloud environments.
It is optimized for performance, security, and manageability, making it suitable for various enterprise applications.
Oracle Linux 9 supports a wide range of software packages, including Node.js, through its AppStream repository.
The operating system is known for its robustness and is widely used in cloud and on-premises environments.
Oracle Linux 9 provides a stable platform for deploying applications, with support for modern development tools.
[Node.js and Oracle Database](/spark?generatorapi=generate_by_article_name&generatorapi_param=query=Node.js+Oracle+Database+connection) [1]
Node.js can connect to Oracle Database using the node-oracledb module, which is open source and maintained by Oracle.
The node-oracledb module supports high-performance applications and is well-documented.
Oracle Instant Client is required for node-oracledb, and it can be installed via Oracle's yum repository.
The module allows Node.js applications to perform database operations efficiently, leveraging Oracle Database's capabilities.
Node-oracledb is compatible with Oracle Database 12.1 or later, providing a stable connection interface.
Alternative Installation Methods [2]
Node.js can be installed using the NodeSource repository, which provides the latest versions not available in default repos.
NVM (Node Version Manager) allows users to install and manage multiple Node.js versions on the same system.
To use NodeSource, add the repository using curl and install Node.js with 'dnf install nodejs'.
NVM installation involves running a script to set up the environment and allows switching between Node.js versions easily.
These methods provide flexibility for developers who need specific Node.js versions or want to test new releases.
<div class="-md-ext-youtube-widget"> { "title": "How To Install Node.js npm ( Creating Sample app ) on Oracle ...", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjrBrBfQNnc", "channel": { "name": ""}, "published_date": "Feb 18, 2023", "length": "1:34" }</div>
<div class="-md-ext-youtube-widget"> { "title": "How to install nodejs on Oracle Linux", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsKkf9VqgyU", "channel": { "name": ""}, "published_date": "May 10, 2024", "length": "3:39" }</div>
<div class="-md-ext-youtube-widget"> { "title": "How to connect Node.js 16 LTS to Oracle Database 12c EE ...", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZt1ak92uhI", "channel": { "name": ""}, "published_date": "May 2, 2023", "length": "2:29" }</div>