Generated with sparks and insights from 6 sources








  • Desaturation in UE5 can sometimes result in unexpected color shifts, such as turning red.

  • This issue can be influenced by the Tonemapper and Color Space settings in Unreal Engine.

  • When colors are blended in Linear Space, it can lead to undesired colors, such as emphasized pink and orange when blending between red and blue.

  • Adjusting the Gamma Correction and sRGB settings can help mitigate these issues.

  • Using Post-Process Volumes and specific Material Settings can provide more control over color desaturation effects.

Tonemapper Impact [1]

  • Tonemapper: Affects how colors are displayed in Unreal Engine, often leading to unexpected results.

  • Color Blending: When blending colors in linear space, it can result in undesired colors.

  • Example: Pink and orange colors can become emphasized when blending between red and blue.

  • Control: Adjusting the tonemapper settings can help control these effects.


Color Space Settings [1]

  • sRGB: Enabling or disabling sRGB can affect how colors are displayed.

  • Linear Space: Colors in linear space can appear incorrect without proper gamma correction.

  • Vertex Colors: Mesh vertex colors are often in linear space, leading to unexpected results.

  • Color Curves: Similar issues can occur with color curves driven by dynamic parameters.

Gamma Correction [1]

  • Gamma Correction: Applying a power of 2.2 can correct colors in linear space.

  • Performance: This method can be expensive and less accurate for mobile platforms.

  • Alternative: Using a different color picker that handles color conversion behind the scenes.

  • Example: Correcting gamma in shaders to achieve desired colors.

Post-Process Volumes [1]

  • Post-Process Volumes: Can be used to replace the tonemapper in a post-process material.

  • Control: Provides more control over how colors are displayed and desaturated.

  • Example: Using post-process volumes to achieve desired color effects.

  • Settings: Adjusting settings within the post-process volume to fine-tune color desaturation.



Material Settings [1]

  • Material Settings: Adjusting material settings can help control color desaturation.

  • Emissive Channel: Multiplying the emissive channel by a variable can make colors brighter.

  • Bloom: Increasing brightness can cause more bloom and less saturation.

  • Physically Correct: Unreal Engine attempts to display colors in a physically correct way, affecting how white and other colors appear.



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