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  • Jest's [beforeEach](prompt://ask_markdown?question=beforeEach) function is used to run a specific setup code before each test in a test file. This ensures that each test starts with a clean state.

  • [test.each](prompt://ask_markdown?question=test.each) in Jest allows you to run the same test with different data sets. This is useful for parameterized testing where the same logic needs to be tested with various inputs.

  • Using beforeEach helps in avoiding code repetition by setting up common test conditions once for all tests.

  • test.each can be used with arrays of arrays or arrays of objects to provide different sets of parameters to the test function.

  • Both beforeEach and test.each can handle asynchronous code, making them versatile for various testing scenarios.

beforeEach Function [1]

  • Purpose: beforeEach runs a function before each test in a file, ensuring a clean state for each test.

  • Usage: Commonly used to initialize or reset data, such as databases or mock objects, before each test.

  • Asynchronous Support: Can handle asynchronous code by returning a promise or using the done callback.

  • Example: beforeEach(() => { [initializeCityDatabase](prompt://ask_markdown?question=initializeCityDatabase)(); });

  • Scoping: beforeEach inside a describe block only applies to tests within that block.

test.each Function [2]

  • Purpose: test.each allows running the same test with different data sets, useful for parameterized testing.

  • Usage: Can be used with arrays of arrays or arrays of objects to provide different sets of parameters.

  • Example: test.each([[1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3]])('.add(%i, %i)', (a, b, expected) => { expect(a + b).toBe(expected); });

  • Asynchronous Support: The test function can be asynchronous, returning a promise or using async/await.

  • Flexibility: Supports various data formats and can generate unique test titles using printf-style formatting.

Setup and Teardown [1]

  • Setup: beforeEach and [beforeAll](prompt://ask_markdown?question=beforeAll) are used for setup tasks before tests run.

  • Teardown: [afterEach](prompt://ask_markdown?question=afterEach) and [afterAll](prompt://ask_markdown?question=afterAll) are used for cleanup tasks after tests run.

  • Example: beforeEach(() => { initializeCityDatabase(); }); afterEach(() => { [clearCityDatabase](prompt://ask_markdown?question=clearCityDatabase)(); });

  • Asynchronous Support: Both setup and teardown functions can handle asynchronous code.

  • Scoping: Setup and teardown functions inside a describe block only apply to tests within that block.


Scoping in Jest [1]

  • Global Scope: beforeEach and afterEach at the top level apply to all tests in the file.

  • describe block Scope: Hooks inside a describe block only apply to tests within that block.

  • Nested Describe Blocks: Hooks in nested describe blocks follow a hierarchical order of execution.

  • Example: describe('outer', () => { beforeEach(() => { /* setup */ }); describe('inner', () => { beforeEach(() => { /* inner setup */ }); }); });

  • Order: Top-level hooks run before nested hooks, ensuring proper setup and teardown.

Order of Execution [1]

  • Describe Handlers: Jest executes all describe handlers before running any tests.

  • Hook Order: beforeAll runs before beforeEach, and afterEach runs before afterAll.

  • Example: beforeAll(() => console.log('1 - beforeAll')); beforeEach(() => console.log('1 - beforeEach')); test('', () => console.log('1 - test'));

  • Nested Hooks: Hooks in nested describe blocks follow a hierarchical order.

  • execution flow: Ensures proper setup and teardown, avoiding interference between tests.

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